Preparation reactions of Alkanes

Preparation Reactions of Alkanes Summary Chart for Alkane preparation reactions
Free radicals halogenation of alkane

Free Radicals Halogenation of Alkane Free radicals are highly reactive species with unpaired valance electron. Carbon free radicals are formed during halogenation of alkanes and orientation as well as reactivity depends on the type of free radical. It is known as free radical substitution reaction. Ease of formation of free radical: 3° > 2° > […]

Enantiomerism A tetrahedral carbon with four different substituents shows the enantiomerism with different three dimensional isomeric structures. The carbon bearing four different substituents is called as chiral or asymmetric carbon. A molecule with one asymmetric carbon shows two enantiomers which are mirror image of each other and non-superimposable. Enantiomers are optically active and they rotate […]

Conformations A different arrangement of the atoms in the space by rotation about the carbon-carbon single bond is known as conformers and collectively called as conformational isomers. These are inter-convertible by rotation of single bond. The simplest molecules show conformation is ethane (CH3CH3). The conformer I is called as Staggered conformation and II is called […]
Absolute Configuration

Absolute Configuration An arrangement of the atoms in the space attached to a chiral carbon is referred as configuration and most commonly expressed by absolute configuration as “R” and “S.” The absolute configuration assigned by CIP system given by three organic chemists named as R.S. Cahn, C.K. Ingold, and V. Prelog. A CIP nomenclature includes the assignment of […]
Elimination Reactions

Elimination Reactions As the name indicates, small molecule eliminates during these types of reactions. This small molecule is generally water (-H2O) in the case of dehydration or HX in the case of dehydrohalogenation. A 1, 2-elimination suggests that the atoms that are eliminated
Solubility of Benzoic Acid vs Phenol in NaOH and NaHCO3

Solubility of Benzoic Acid Versus Phenol in Aqueous Solution of NaOH and NaHCO3 Benzoic acid and phenol both are insoluble in water due to non-polar benzene ring but these molecules become soluble if we react them with an aqueous solution of NaOH, which forms water-soluble sodium salt of the benzoic acid (Sodium benzoate) and the […]
Possible chair conformations of 1,2-dimethylcyclohexane

Possible Chair Conformations of 1,2- Dimethylcyclohexane In the given figure various possible chair conformations of 1,2-dimethylcyclohexane are drawn. There are two possibilities that are cis or trans, but the position of the methyl group on axial or equatorial bond on cyclohexane determines whether the compound is cis or trans. Like in given figure no. 1, […]
Organic Reaction Mechanisms (Curly Arrow)

Organic Reaction Mechanisms (Curly Arrow) Organic reactions are involved with a single basic mechanism that is a negative part of one reactant attacks on the positive site of other reactant and forms the final organic product. Most of the organic reactions are working on this single concept that negative part is attacking on positive part […]
E1 vs. E2 elimination reactions

E1 vs. E2 Elimination Reactions S. No. E1 elimination Reaction E2 elimination Reaction 1. Unimolecular (Rate of reaction depends on one molecule that is alkyl halide) Bimolecular (Rate of reaction depends on two molecules that is alkyl halide and base) 2. First order of reaction Second order of reaction 3. Two step reaction One step […]