Applications of Grignard Reagent

Grignard reagent is very useful compound also known as organomagnesium halide used in the synthesis of various organic compounds like alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acid etc.

D, L Notation System

In organic chemistry D and L notations are used specifically in sugars and amino acids. In sugars the position of the hydroxyl group at second last carbon determines whether it is D sugar or L sugar. If the hydroxyl group is on the right side on that carbon then it is called D-sugar if it […]

Aldol Condensation

In aldol condensation two molecule of aldehydes or a ketone combine to form a beta hydroxy carbonyl compound under the influence of dilute base. Dilute base abstracts an alpha hydrogen and the generated nucleophile attacks on another molecule of aldehyde or ketone to produce aldol product. These aldol products can be further dehydrated to produce […]

Friedel-Crafts Alkylation vs Acylation

  Friedel-Crafts alkylation and acylation reactions have few similarity and dissimilarities. For example, as shown in above figure both of the reactions require carbocation/acylium ion and AlCl3 for a reaction but in alkylation, rearrangement is possible to more stable carbocation while acylium ion is not prone for rearrangement. In alkylation, multiple substitutions are possible on […]

Claisen Condensation

  The Claisen Condensation reaction is somewhat different from aldol condensation because it’s a type of substitution reaction while aldol condensation is an addition type of organic reaction. In Claisen condensation two ester molecules condense to form a new C-C bond with the help of a base which abstracts alpha hydrogen from one of the […]

Cetirizine Vs. Levocetirizine

Cetirizine and Levocetirizine are non-sedating second-generation antihistamine drugs. These drugs are used to combat various allergic problems. Cetirizine is a mixture of levocetirizine and dextrocetirizine.  But levocetirizine is many times more selective for H1-Histamine receptor compared to dextrocetirizine. Thus, it produces fewer side effects (like sedation) compared to cetirizine which is a racemic mixture of […]

Curtius Rearrangement Reaction

Curtius rearrangement reaction is named after Dr. Julius Wilhalm Theodor Curtius, who proposed it in 1885. The reaction is thermally dependent, which converts acyl azide into isocyanate. The reaction rate is influenced by the presence of protic acid and Lewis acids as it decreases the temperature required for decomposition and enhances the yield of isocyanate. […]

Wolf-Kishner Reduction and Huang Minlon Modification

Wolf-Kishner reduction is the reaction, where carbonyl compounds aldehydes and ketones convert to corresponding alkanes. The reaction takes place in presence of hydrazine, base, and heat. In this reaction, intermediate hydrazone is formed by condensation of the carbonyl substrate with hydrazine. This reduction reaction was discovered by Ludwif Wolff and Nikolai Kishner in an early […]

Cannizzaro Reaction

Cannizzaro reaction is a type of organic redox reaction, in which two molecules of aldehydes in presence of base converts to their primary alcohol and carboxylic acid by reduction as well oxidation respectively. In this reaction aldehydes should not have any alpha hydrogen (like formaldehyde, benzaldehyde etc.) The reaction was first discovered in 1853 by […]